Friday, January 28, 2011

Where's the Beef?!

I had been thinking of creating this blog for a while, but it was this story ( in particular that really pushed me over the edge and made me think that there had to be a small niche of the interwebz that I can fill with social commentary, pop culture mockery and reported sites of fake Ke$has. I am beginning to lose count of the amount of times per day I shake my head in disgust at the actions of a fellow American, a group of them or just our culture in general. So this is where I am going to take out my frustrations. Blog, consider yourself the whipping boy of my social consciousness.

So apparently we are suing shitty 'restaurants' for having shitty food these days. Hmm, that is curious... I don't actually think this person or persons will succeed in their lawsuit; a company as large as Taco Bell is going to protect itself from lawsuits by making sure their food is up to standard, even if its the bare minimum. I will say, however, I love LOVE love Taco Bell's response, it's basically like the biggest fuck you they could muster and will help with their image in the long run.

And really when did Americans start to care about what they put in their mouth? I mean, if KFC can genetically alter chicken without any attempt to hide the mutations they cook up and people still eat it.

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